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  Legal Info

The website is property of:
Martinelli Luce Spa
Via Teresa Bandettini 55100 Lucca (Lu) - Italy
P. IVA 00230590465
Phone: +39 0583.418315 

In January 2016, following REGULATION (EU) No 524/2013, the European Commission launched a platform to help consumers and traders solve online disputes over a purchase made online. The Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform allows EU consumers and traders to settle their disputes out-of-court for both domestic and cross-border online purchases.

For further details and to submit a complaint through the ODR platform, please click on the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=EN

The Seller will not be liable in the event of loss of revenues, profits, data or any other indirect damage of any nature deriving from or in any case connected to contracts subject to the General Conditions.

The Seller's liability for platform malfunctions such as: incorrect receipt of the purchase order confirmation due to blocking of the e-mail service, cyber attack, denial of service cannot in any case be economically greater than the total value of the purchase order made.

The Seller's liability in relation to the sale of products through the platform, without prejudice to the hypothesis of willful misconduct or gross negligence, can never exceed the price paid by the Customer.
For information relating to the processing of personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy.